Monday, January 19, 2009

Off and walking

The pups are starting to look like they belong in the big puppy pool. Green boy is the walking champ, but all the pups are moving around more on still very unsteady legs. The beauty of using a pool is that if a pup gets lost and starts moving around the outside, there is no corner to get stuck in, and they eventually find their way back. I have seen multiple pups get up and move away from the puppy pile to toilet!! These pups should be very easy to litter box train. The pups have been consistently gaining 2 oz per day each. That means Hermione is supporting a total of 1 lb (2 oz x 8 puppies) of puppy growth EACH DAY!! She is doing an amazing job keeping everyone fed and clean.

Hermione not taking this motherhood stuff too seriously

1 comment:

  1. What a great photo! We are really enjoying the super photography and regular updates. Thanks!
