Puppy play
These pups are amazingly precocious and getting more fun by the day. Their ears started opening on Monday and they are starting to react to sounds at barely 2 weeks of age. They are enthusiastically eating almost one large can of Iams dog food per day, plus mob Hermione any chance they get. Some of the bigger pups are almost successful nursing from Hermione when she is standing (Hermione is a smaller 60 lb female). The pups are easily moving around the puppy pool and are putting their paws up on the walls - hopefully they will stay contained until this weekend's planned move into the puppy pen. They are starting to play with each other which is very cute. Their vocal repetoire includes baby puppy mewing, a very cute trill (almost a purr), and a piercing puppy bark. This is a very socially engaging litter. They readily come over to the side of the pool if people approach and crawl all over anyone who sits down in the pool. Yesterday evening, while I was watching a TV show, I cuddled a puppy, switching pups every 10 minutes or so. All the pups were very content to be cuddled.

Let us out!
Absolutely adorable! I hope to see them, soon!