Rani is an ICAN girl. ICAN is the program that kindly provided stud service for this litter. Rani has been renamed Juliette by a Brownie troop who sponsored her with some of their Girl Scout cookie money. She has already attended a big ICAN fundraiser and is very much an assistance dog-in-training.

Yash is also with ICAN, currently living with a puppy starter who will foster him until he is old enough to go off to prison to be trained by an ICAN inmate handler.
Raja flew out to Colorado in the cabin, compliments of Frontier Airlines, to join up with a North Star Foundation puppy raising family. He has already been matched with a Colorado boy with special needs.
Dhruv, renamed Drew, is also with NorthStar, being puppy raised west of Indy. He has already attended his first St Patrick's day parade. Drew has been matched with a North Star client family in Indiana.

Ajay, renamed Notch, also flew out to Colorado, kindly escorted by a US Airways Pups in Flight volunteer, to join Canine Partners of the Rockies, the program from which his granddam Yuma came from. He will hopefully make a wonderful future service dog for someone with mobility challenges.
Aarushi is currently still looking for a pet home - she looks to be a bit too soft to enjoy life as a public access assistance dog. She is currently being fostered by my friend who is home during the day, so is getting off to a good start. UPDATE - Aarushi has found a wonderful pet home and has been rename Rosie.
Muskan, renamed Kumari "Mari", is being puppy started by a friend. This way, I will be able to let her grow up a bit more before deciding if she should be a working girl or breeding prospect. I wasn't going to keep a pup from this litter, but fell in love with this little red head girl.

Basanti, renamed Pearl, found a wonderful pet home. She was another pup who looked to be a bit too soft to enjoy life as an assistance dog.
THE END (for now)